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Parenting Tips
Renske Buursma
Parenting Tips
2 min

Improve learning experiences for children with autism through technology

2 min

Technology provides limitless opportunities to enhance education, especially for students with autism. Personalized support for each child on the spectrum can make education easier and more fun. 

One cool thing about technology is how it can make learning personal. Lots of students with autism do well when their education program matches their strengths and challenges. Students can use digital platforms to work through lessons at their own speed. Apps like Otsimo and Proloquo2Go let students with autism learn in a way that works for them, covering everything from math to communication skills.

Many students with autism are visual learners, and technology currently provides tons of visual aids to make learning natural. Check out MindMeister and The Social Express - they are awesome apps that can help students with social skills, emotional recognition, and problem-solving. They use awesome visuals to make tough concepts easier to understand.

Many autistic students also use AAC. These systems do the talking for you. An AAC system uses pictures or words to help students express themselves. Technology makes it easier for students to express themselves and connect with others.

AAC technologies let kids who can not talk or have trouble talking express themselves. AAC devices and apps allow children to communicate by using symbol, picture, and text. AAC apps like “LAMP Words for Life” or “TouchChat HD” can be life-changing, transforming a child’s ability to express themselves and take part in their education. Sensory needs are common for children with autism, and there is a technology for this. There are sensory apps like “White Noise Lite” or “Fluidity” that can provide calming sensory experiences. 

These apps can be vital in creating an environment conducive to learning, as children are better able to focus, attend, and regulate their emotions because of them. Technology can also help children with autism work to develop their social skills. 

With apps and games, they can practice interacting and responding as if it is a virtual reality experience. "Floreo" is a VR platform uses fun scenarios and cool visuals to help you improve your social and communication skills, from eye contact to understanding social cues. 

Teachers and parents are key to helping us with tech things. Make sure you choose tech tools that help with teaching and therapy. We need everyone - teachers, therapists, and families - to work together and make the most of technology in education.

Learning can be so much better for autistic kids with technology. Cool tools and strategies can totally change how we do education, so every kid can have fun and find their potential. As we keep exploring how technology can assist, its impact on special education will be revolutionary.

I hope this blog post will inspire and provide some guidance to support children with autism through technology. If you would like more specific examples, apps reviewed in more detail, or some guidance for how to integrate technology into educational plans, please let me know how I can assist further!
