
  • Autism Speaks Tool Kits: Autism Speaks provides a wide range of free tool kits for families and educators, covering topics from early childhood to adulthood, addressing education, behavior management, and transitions.

  • National Autism Resources: An online retailer and resource site that offers a comprehensive range of products and tools designed to support children on the autism spectrum, including educational toys, sensory integration products, and classroom support materials.

  • The Autism Helper: Offers resources, strategies, and materials designed to help educators and parents support students with autism. This includes worksheets, visual aids, and organizational tools aimed at enhancing learning and behavioral outcomes.

    These resources are chosen with care to complement the workbooks and educational materials available on., providing a holistic support system for children with autism and their families. As our community is growing we will add more resources to this. 

  • We also encourage you to let us know your resources that are helpful to you so that they can also help other families.